Couple Addiction Recovery Empowerment
Support, Education, Workshops, Online Learning

Roadmap for the Journey
Is designed specifically for couples impacted by an addictive disorder.
Workshops are held live and online in a confidential and safe environment for partners to privately practice the communication skills taught in the workshop.
Please note, this workshop is not appropriate for couples in which there is an active addiction or current concerns about substance use or possble compulsive behaviors.

Finding the Roadmap for Recovery
We know from research that couple stability is the single biggest predictor of successful long-term recovery. We also know that couples impacted by an addictive disorder are at great risk for divorce or continued relationship unhappiness, even after beginning recovery.
This work provides skills to address the impact of recovery for both partners, create methods for supporting each partner’s individual recovery, and to develop a couple recovery.

The Couple Recovery Development Approach, created by Dr. Robert Navarra, is based on his research on couple recovery spanning over 15 years. The Gottman research on predictors for happy and healthy relationships provides direction to establish a path to heal and strengthen relationships.
Integrating the two models provides a direction for recovering couples in establishing, or reestablishing healthy relationship behaviors that also include issues related specifically to couples impacted by problematic substance use or behavioral compulsions. These strategies help couples lean the right way in finding their recovery path.
Roadmap for the Journey: A Path For Couple Recovery
Now available as an online and live workshop, Roadmap for the Journey: A Path for Couple Recovery, is designed for couples impacted by an addictive disorder, providing tools for communication and help to integrate recovery into the couple relationship. Workshops are limited to three – five couples who are provided manuals, workshop materials, and time to practice new skills.
Featured Workshop at Betty Ford Hazelden

Now Available Live and Online
Finding Direction
Couple recovery is an emerging concept in addiction treatment
Finding Support
Couples need support in bringing recovery into their relationship

working Together
Couples may feel confused or even overwhelmed when thinking about addressing recovery in their relationship. Sometime fears center on concerns about the ability to keep boundaries and not lose focus on individual health and recovery concerns.This is understandable, with problematic substance or behavioral use or compulsive behaviors individual needs get lost.
The key to healthy boundaries starts with understanding the difference between “codependency” and “interdependency”. While codependency patterns involve control and silenced emotions and needs, in interdependent relationships both partners are able to express thoughts, feelings, and needs.
True or False?
Partners should
True or False?
Is there a roadmap
Couple recovery refers to a focus on each partners own health and recovery, as well as relationship recovery from the impact of an addictive disorder. By focusing on what is healthy for each individual, and what is healthy for the relationship partners learn to talk about the impact from the disorder as well as develop a path for going forward.
Researching and advocating for couple recovery