About Couple Recovery

couple recovery
Now Available: Roadmap for the Journey: A Path for Couple Recovery
A Live Online Work for Recovering Couples

On the Road to Recovery

Couples need a roadmap to help provide direction through the twists, turns, and the challenges of couple and family recovery

Over 25 million Americans are in long-term recovery

That is 1 in 10 Americans
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We know that about two-thirds of all American families have been impacted by addiction. Many times couples and families are told to “work their own program” before trying to address couple and family issues

Why Couple Recovery?

There is no empirical research to support separating partners in early recovery

Research does support a relationship approach to recovery

Defining Couple Recovery

Supporting individuals and relationships

Individual Recovery

For Partner 1

Individual Recovery

For Partner 2

Couple Recovery

For the Relationship


Most frequent questions about couple recovery

While it is important that both of you focus on your individual health and recovery, it can be very helpful to also address relationship issues  as well, they do not have to be mutually exclusive.

Great question! This has been a long-standing recommendation that is not supported by any empirical support. What the research does show is that healthy relationships are strongly linked to better treatment outcomes for the person with the addictive disorder as well as for the family members.


Unfortunately, at this point we still have a ways to go. Some programs are starting to recognize and integrate couple recovery into their treatment sooner than later, going beyond the traditional “codependency” groups for  partners.

An addictive disorder impacts not just the person with the disorder, but the entire family. Couple recovery acknowledges that this is a family disorder in that family members also need to recover from the often traumatic consequences and to work together in moving forward as a recovering couple/family.