Why Looking Back Is Important
Couples impacted by an addictive disorder have a lot to process. However, not getting stuck in the future or in the past does not mean that you do not acknowledge the past, or its consequences.
Couples impacted by an addictive disorder have a lot to process. However, not getting stuck in the future or in the past does not mean that you do not acknowledge the past, or its consequences.
Trust is basic to the foundation of any significant relationship. It is hard to imagine anybody feeling comfortable in a relationship where trust has been broken consistently. How do couples impacted by addiction and by recovery deal with the ongoing issue of trust - or more to he point mistrust?
Deciding whether to deal with the relationship while managing individual recovery requires some sorting through. There are risks to couple recovery, but the evidence suggests that healthy relationships lead to better long-term recovery outcomes.
John is 38-years old, works in a job that he loves in high tech, has been married for 6 years to Carol, He also has an alcohol use disorder, severe. John noticed that his drinking seemed to pick up over the last two years,
John had hit bottom and decided to get that help. He began an outpatient program and got into recovery. Carol was relieved and felt that the problem was finally being addressed and that their life could maybe get back to normal.